Sensational! Lets goooo!

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Thanks Graham for the live session and for posting the replay! I am improving my English and I believe that soon I will no longer need a translator. Thank you for the updates, I'm sure you have the right tools in your hands to fulfill your purpose in the next podcast season! May God guide you on this new journey of your life!

blessings! 🙏🏻❤️

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Graham, I'm very excited for this new season 3 of the podcast. It's all seeming to come together...the film, the podcast direction and your life. Synergistic.

Having a grown son and 2 grandson's, I'm interested in the focus of Season 3. Hopefully I can take snippets from your content and weave it into my interactions with them. I see three beautiful heart centered men in my life who just need to get fully behind following their lovely hearts over their overactive minds. I hear the words, it doesn't pay to be a good person when something good they did backfires on them. Changing these perspectives will be important for their futures as strong, loving, authentic humans.

I know just how much your caring, warm heart has helped my life, now I'm excited for it to do the same for them! Cheers and let's get this next act rolling!!!


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So nice to see your live today. Saw so many great photos of the meet last night. Fun times for all!

Regarding your live,I loved every minute of it,both times I watched it. I love the direction you want to go with your S 3 podcast. Exploring masculinity,a topic needing to be addressed.The only constant masculine figure I have had in my life has been my husband. He has been a blessing in my life. As I have mentioned before, my father passed when I was 13yrs,and I don't have any sons or grandsons. I feel a small void in my life,never having gotten to experience that. My husband has been a great GIRL dad,and grandpa. You always get appropriate guest on your podcasts,and you create meaningful lessons and conversations. I am 100 % positive your S3 podcasts will be successful. I can't wait to experience it all. Graham I see my life in a different, better way,even at my age, learning from you.You have been a blessing. Enjoy the reminder of your time in Australia!!! Be safe. ❤️🙏🏻

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This world needs more young men like you and I believe that you will be inspirational to many. Peace be with you.

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thanks for coming on live with us while your on your trip. i’m also looking forward to s3 of your podcasts it will be very insightful because as women we have husbands, sons & grandsons that could benefit from these topics. best of luck with getting your movie on the same subject rolling i hope it’s soon. enjoy the rest of your time in australia and take care of that frog.🐸 cheers graham

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Your timing for this new direction of the podcast seems providential to me. In the recent US election the younger male influence made a huge difference in the outcome and there seems to be a pendulum swing away from the degrading of men and yet still elevating women. Hopefully your message about the importance of strong male role models takes hold as it's much needed. It's great that direction will carry over to your film-making vision. You and Kerry putting your heads together always brings good things! As you might guess, I'm very excited about the January writing challenge so looking forward to that as well as Season 3 of the Time Has Come podcast. Thanks for the update! Enjoy the rest of your time in AUS. Feel free to share photos!

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Thank you for sharing, Graham. I am excited about the new direction for the podcast and your film. The time has certainly come for men to find inspirational role models and comradery that support strength, openness and honor. As a woman, I find this area of utmost importance as well, because I have the pleasure of caring deeply about the men and boys in my life; fathers, husbands, brothers, sons, nephews, friends. I can't imagine a better person to be igniting this conversation. I look forward to it. And to the January writing challenge as well.

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Graham, I think this is a much needed direction. You have the skills, insights and spiritual strength to be effective and successful. As you know from helping me with my spiritual support of young men, the interest and need is growing. Your consultation sessions for me was very helpful. Perhaps one aspect of your new direction could be supporting those working with young men who are searching and seeking.

I'm excited for the guidance you a feeling from God and look forward to continuing to support your good works.

Thanks for sharing what you are thinking about for season 3.

Also really looking forward to January writing initiative.

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Interesting ideas, Graham. I love that you are sharing more about masculine/feminine balance. It feels to me that this comes from inner embodiment rather than external ideas 💡 It is who we are that impacts the world - our Being has more Impact than our Doing. I see it to be like a positive 'virus' that infects others simply by bring around us - because we have embodied a certain truth within. The Impact creates 'like attracts like' - a spiritual principle.

We are each creating our own 'sculpture' as you so eloquently put it! We are 'unbecoming' - emerging from the role this life has pressed us into - to 'become' what we already are on the inside. We are love (Not the fluffy romantic kind)the deeper eternal kind that goes beyond what we, as humans, are able to fully express.

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Thank you, Graham, for the updates. I look forward to following and learning in season three as you follow your heart and impact lives. Your passion is, as always, inspiring. Safe travels!

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Thanks for sharing your visions of season 3 and your movie! I'm positive it will make a huge impact on many, including the younger men. You are such an inspiration and mentor. The world needs more men that are so caring and will stand up for what they believe in but you always say we should always follow our own hearts! Such great advice! ENJOY the rest of your trip!🥰❤️🙏

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Loved hearing your thought process about how you are taking on the things that are happening and you desire to happen in your life. I admire your goals of wanting to reach young men with the challenges men face in their lives to become honorable men. I wish you success in your life and film making endeavors.

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Graham, I was overjoyed to hear of your next direction with S3 THC & a film also.

After following you after Heartland, I've told my family ...Graham needs to take his show on the road' & get paid to reach out to teenagers, college students, young adults.

You not only had a solid upbringing from wonderful parents & come from a large family, but, you passionately played a whole different life story in Heartland. You are a perfect role model to especially young men. There are so many broken families today & the boys are truly lost without a role model to follow to be strong, caring men. As you would say, that's my rant for today. Enjoy the rest of your visit in Australia!❤️

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I agree with you, Graham is the perfect role model for young men. as you say there's so many broken homes and the young men are lost due to lack of mentorship, active fathers in the home and so much more . @ Graham Wradle

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Graham Thank you for the replay. I was very moved when I saw the photos of Irene and everyone. I couldn't help but applaud the smile of gratitude. The journey in Australia is still continuing, working with many people and friends, thinking about the story, and when a problem occurs with the scene, you work hard and do your best, you have energy and speak passionately, I saw you. Do your best to enjoy your work as an actor sincerely toward your goal. Meeting people, reading books, learning, and connecting to the podcast. Use your energy to share with everyone and get many people to participate. I intend to do my best to participate as many times as possible, but I hope to stop missing out. Have you ever been confused and worried? You said that it was you who made the choice, that you thought, thought, and listened to your heart, and felt like you were being led by God. I think you are on the right path. Even though you are busy, please take great care of your injuries. I look forward to the podcast of season 3. Thank you for all the information.

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Graham, I’m so looking forward to this focus of Season 3! As others said, this is such a needed discussion in all parts of the world. I work with parents daily and this very topic comes up in various ways. Through my parent coaching program, I walk alongside many fathers who are desperately seeking how to balance their feminine and masculine energies. Thank you! Blessings as you go forward! 🙏

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One more thought about this as I’m listening to you, it has so much to do with modeling. Our mirror neurons are so powerful and when we can model that balance of caring and strength, it is a beautiful combination!

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Tricia, you would be an excellent guest on S3!

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Thank you! That’s very kind of you. We would have an empowering conversation.

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