
45 Yellow Moons

Tuesday Reflections

All Aboard!

The warning chimes began to play

We had no luggage

Nothing to call our own

One by one we boarded the vehicle

My oldest brother was first

Then my older sister and then me

My younger brother and sister followed last

The chimes played again.

Like a heartbeat, the vehicle pulsated 

A life long journey traveling together

We had no idea what we were in for

"Wait for me!"

I heard a voice call out

And there she was

Another traveler headed the same way

My older brother held the door

"Hey, my name is Grace." She said 

There was a moment of silence

Some nodded, others smiled

The time had come

My older brother gave me a wink

And off he went

Round and round the forty five yellow moons

His journey forgotten

His life beginning

Waking up after never having gone to sleep

He was the first born

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